Disk No: 1853 Disk Title: DirUtils PC-SIG Version: S1.2 Program Title: DIRUTILS Author Version: 3.00 Author Registration: $30.00 Special Requirements: None. Here is a collection of directory-related programs that will excite you. ADVOCATE SCOUT is a "file finder" with features such as simultaneous multiple searches and path-specific searching. Now you can find files if you know virtually anything about them -- any part of the name, something like it, or just its approximate date. Comes complete with batch files to automate your most frequent searches. For example, simply type ``TODAY'' for all of today's files. ADVOCATE DIR masquerades as a typical, modern DIR replacement, but when you want to compare several directories or sets of files, up to four can be displayed side by side as easily as one. ADVOCATE TREE is the useful TREE replacement you've waited for. Far more informative than TREE, it includes size of directory and percentage of the drive it occupies, and operates at twice the speed. CDX is a fast way to change directories with a single command. It also changes drives and directories with one three-stroke command. All utilities work great within menus, but they're especially powerful for the command-line power user. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.